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Xbox, just like Playstation, has some pretty decent games. Some of these are exclusive, while some are just more enjoyable on the Xbox than they are on any other platform.

No matter what type of game you prefer: FPS, open world or racing, I got you covered. Games from (almost) every genre have been touched.

Here are some of the best Xbox games you can get your hands on right now

Forza Horizon 4

A popular racing game, Forza Horizon 4 is known for its great optimization. Because of its effective optimization, you will see graphics better than those of your expectations.

It’s not just the graphics that make this game a good one. The gameplay is also to the point. The game also offers an open-world experience for you to enjoy your cars. 

The 450 cars won’t disappoint any car enthusiast and won’t keep any gamer bored. For people who like change, the game keeps on bombarding you with new seasons, challenges, perks and whatnot.

One special thing about this game is that the players you’ll come across in the open world will be real players – not AI. However, you can choose to race with AI players as well.

Gears 5

A great third-person action game, Gears 5 didn’t exactly start off with the right foot by launching at midnight. However, it was made up for by the gameplay, graphics and the story.

Unlike many games, which are either future-oriented or past-oriented, Gears 5 is an extremely balanced game. Different weapons and bosses do not make you feel as if you’re in one single timeline.

Throughout the game, you will be accompanied by a floating robot, Jack.In fact, the game revolves a lot around the robot as well as most of the upgrades and skills are for it.

Overall, Gears 5 is a great game for those people who love adventures. The biome doesn’t really change much, and that’s pretty much the only thing that’s constant throughout the game. Other than that, things are medium-paced but often pick up the pace (especially around boss fights).

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

This is more like a collection of games. This collection includes seven Halo games: Halo 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo 4, Halo Reach and Halo 5 Guardians.

There is a reason this collection has been included in the top ten Xbox games that you should get your hands on right now; the reason is 4k gameplay (wait for it) at 60 fps. Yes, I know that’s crazy for a console that’s almost five years old.

However, the 4k/60 fps thing comes at a cost. The graphics are great, don’t misunderstand me, but they’re not something that will tempt someone to buy them. I personally don’t know a single person who bought this game for the graphics.

Yes, some of Halo’s previous games did not live up to the hype, but that is certainly not the case with this.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

A first-person shooter game that is definitely not for campaign-loving players. This game just wasn’t made for offline playing. Although the game does have offline missions that can be played, that is not what the game is famous for.

The graphics are somewhat like those of Fortnite – in the sense of being cartoon-ish (Please, don’t cancel me). The colors and the overall vibe of the game are vibrant and positive.

Unlike other FPS games which usually focus more on weapons and less on the technical side of playing, Rainbow Six Siege does so. The meta keeps on changing constantly.

Different “power-ups” and abilities never let this game be boring. For those of you who love multiplayer, this is heaven. I, too, prefer playing FPS games’ multiplayer. A must-try for first-person shooter lovers.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Released in 2019, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action-adventure game. The story revolves around the vengeance of a shinobi (named Sekiro) for the kidnapping of his lord/ sensei.

The story is set in Japan (which can be seen from the plot of the game). To be specific, it has been in the Japan of the 14th century.

The game is known for its hard difficulty (although some disagree). There is a lot of variety with the bosses (like every game). There is a small aspect to the stealth part as well. Though the game is not revolved around your being secret and sneaky, there is still some aspect to it.

The game actually has four different endings. Depending on the choices you make, you’ll get four different endings – all with their unique cutscenes.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

A remake of probably the most popular first-person shooter Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, this game has been quite successful. Activision was successful in managing to keep a balance between the past-like feel of the game and some level of futurism.

The graphics have been enhanced greatly, and the game is optimized pretty well. When I played this, I wasn’t expecting such great graphics even on the base Xbox One model.

The campaign and the multiplayer are both great. The maps, weapons, characters and every old thing is there. 

If you’ve been a fan of the original COD 4, this will be a nostalgic ride for you, and you’ll love it. Take my word for it. The multiplayer matchmaking is okay-ish. You will see some bugs here and there – especially during the start because of the hard disk optimization.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)’s success, Activision soon released a campaign version of COD: MW 2. Because COD: MW (2019)’s multiplayer is doing great, they haven’t released this game’s multiplayer. They’re saving it for when fans get bored with it.

The graphics are the same as those of COD: MW (2019) – not much of an upgrade. The campaign gameplay and the story are phenomenal. I won’t spoil it for you.

As for the multiplayer, you can expect it to be launched at least after a year. Rumour has it that Activision has made the multiplayer but isn’t releasing it yet.

Unlike COD MW (2019), COD: MW 2 Remastered is almost like the original game (graphics-wise). It is just the graphics that have been changed – not the feel of the original game.

Cyberpunk 2077

A renowned open-world game like GTA 5, Cyberpunk 2077 is known as one of the most demanding games. Even though the optimization isn’t to the point, it’s still pretty amazing. It runs amazingly well even on the Xbox One. 

Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most hyped games before it launched. That puts a lot of pressure on the developers to release the game early. Because of this, you’ll see a lot of bugs and issues in the game.

The game is a futuristic one. Among the latest games, Cyberpunk 2077 has one of the best graphics (even though the game isn’t as optimized as it should’ve been).


Overwatch, a first-person shooting game, is known for its fast-paced mechanism. Unlike other FPS games like COD or Battlefield, the game proceeds fairly quickly, and it often gets hard to keep up with other players.

More than the choice of weapons matters, the choice of character and the powerups. The graphics are cartoon-like (just like in Fortnite and Rainbow Six Siege), and the game is, as I like to put it, colorful and vibrant.

Overwatch is a futuristic game in which teams of 6 fight against each other. The game is set in an Earth-like planet in the future. 

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

One of the latest in the line-up, Assassin’s Creedy Odyssey features an amazing story and unparalleled gameplay. This is one of the games that needs no introduction.

The gameplay will keep you hooked for hours. A special thing about this game is that your decisions affect the gameplay. In fact, the game has 9 different endings – all of which depend upon your choices.

Other than the gameplay, two other things that are worth being mentioned are the game mechanism and the graphics. The detail paid towards small objects is pretty impressive. Even things that you wouldn’t expect the developers would pay attention to have been rendered pretty well.

The game mechanics and physics are quite impressive. You might not notice this if you play casually. However, play the game with a keen eye, and your opinion will change. Small things like how a pot falls or how the character climbs or pushes through the mob are perfect.

Some of the games in this list are Xbox exclusives while some are not. I’ve included even the ones that are not exclusive because of how good they are and how great their optimization is on the Xbox.

With that, the list for the top ten Xbox games to get your hands on right now pretty much comes to an end. Let me know if I missed any popular game. What’s your favorite game on the list? Have you played them all? Let me know in the comments.


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