top 10 superfoods

Our tomorrow is the result of our today. Making big changes in our lifestyles often fails, and we end up being at ground zero. The best way to improve ourselves is to make small changes.

Eating superfoods daily is one of those small things that will give results in just a few months – provided you are consistent.

Eating healthy is just as important as working out is, but let’s face it. Who likes to skip dessert and track calories? It’s better to eat healthy food in addition to whatever you’re eating.

Here are ten superfoods nutritionists recommend you have every day:

1. Fish

Fish is one of the only real “foods” that you can have every day. Any other “food” will cause problems if eaten on a daily basis.

Rich in proteins, Iodine, Vitamin B12, Iron, and Omega Fatty Acids, fish are great for one’s health in almost every way – be it cognitive development or physical well-being.

Eating fish lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of neurological diseases like depression, ADHD, and dementia. Not only do they prevent one from such diseases but also boost one’s cognition. They are great for the human brain.

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy green veggies like spinach, cabbage, beet greens are some of the best ones in their class. Even better are the dark green leafy veggies. These are rich in protein which helps in muscle building and repair.

Other than this, Vitamin K is found in these. This helps in regulating inflammation, preventing diabetes, improving the strength of bones, and cognitive health. However, make sure to keep the amount regulated. Excess of everything can be bad.

3. Nuts

Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios are some of the best nuts to have. One of the best superfoods on this list, nuts are better if taken in the winters.

Almost all nuts contain a decent amount of nutrients like Fiber, Copper, Selenium, and carb contents. Instead of being rich in one specific nutrient, they contain decent amounts of different nutrients.

Antioxidants in nuts reduce stress, while low cholesterol levels are great for those with diabetes.

4. Ginger

Primarily known for its ability to reduce weight and treat sore throats, ginger is a great superfood; you can make Kahwah to get the best effects.

Reducing menstrual pain, lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cancer are just some of the things ginger can do for you. Other than that, ginger helps with the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Even in the long run, ginger has quite the benefits – both physical and mental, unlike most superfoods which focus mainly on one aspect. If you want to protect yourself in the long run, I would say this should be a part of your diet..

5. Avocado

Almost 60% of avocados is monosaturated fats according to BBC Good Food. Avocados also contain unsaturated fats (oils) which are recommended.

The fiber and fat content in avocados help with appetite, too. Being one of the most nutrition-rich fruits, avocados contain many different useful nutrients like Vitamin E, monosaturated fats and fiber.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the superfoods that are more beneficial for one’s physical health than they are for one’s brain. Though yogurt is widely regarded to be a superfood, not all types of yogurts are.

“Artificial yogurt,” like flavoured yogurt is definitely not healthy. “Proper” yogurt contains vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients which help with many things.

The most notable health benefit that yogurt has is that it improves your immune system and protects you against diseases.

Diseases like Osteoporosis may also be prevented. However, you have to be careful with the type of yogurt you eat. Some yogurt types do more harm than good.

7. Whole Grains

Some of the healthiest whole grains include oats, wheat, brown rice, and barley. Whole grains help with digestion and prevent constipation.

Reducing inflammation, improving gastrointestinal health, controlling obesity, and losing weight are some of the benefits you can reap from whole grains.

Not good for bulking, grains are excellent for maintaining low weight. Instead of starving yourself, whole grains would be the better option. Vitamin B, fiber, antioxidants, and proteins (major part) are some of the major nutrients found in whole grains.

8. Berries

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and grapes (yes, grapes are berries) are some of the healthiest berries you can eat (according to HealthLine).

Of all the foods mentioned in this list, berries have the greatest amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants help with the aging process and stress. They don’t contain a decent amount of carbohydrates, so they’re low-carb foods.

Berries are best used for skin. Eating berries regularly keeps your skin fresh and tight. Berries help reduce wrinkles on the skin.

9. Garlic

A little note before I go on about the health benefits, garlic shouldn’t be eaten daily. Yes, it should be taken regularly but not daily. If taken daily, it can irritate the digestive tract.

Garlic is even more effective at treating coughs and colds than ginger is. For a runny nose, too, garlic is one of the best treatments.

Contrary to what you might be thinking, the best way to eat garlic is to eat it raw. Though the taste really is bad (trust me, I know), it’s worth it.

10. Eggs

Eggs contain proteins that are great for bulking. However, they can also help with weight loss if consumed the right way. Not only are they rich in vitamins and minerals (such as Iron, Calcium, Zinc), but they also contain a lot of protein (which makes them great for bulking).  

They are rich in protein and fat but moderately rich in carbohydrates. Being rich in antioxidants,   they protect against heart diseases, cancer and other deadly diseases. They’re also quite beneficial for skin (though not as much as other foods like berries are).

Bottom Line

All these superfoods should be in your diet. However, do not rely on one specific superfood and start taking it in excessive amounts. Excess of everything is bad (yes, even superfoods). If there’s one superfood that can be eaten daily safely, that is fish.

Though food plays a vital role in keeping one healthy, that’s not all. Light-mild exercise is necessary for one to be in tip-top shape. Do not rely on superfoods alone.

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